Cavalor CoolSens
Cavalor CoolSens
Cavalor® CoolSens is the ideal wellness treatment if you want to spoil your horse after a heavy effort or simply on a hot summer day. Enjoy quality time together and watch your horse recuperate and dry fast with a brilliant shine. In Cavalor® CoolSens we use essential oils such as Menthol, Eucalyptus radiata and Tea Tree Oil. Menthol and Eucalyptus have a miraculous effect on the sensory nerves by stimulating those that produce a cool, soothing sensation to refresh tired, aching legs. Furthermore, they inhibit a specific pain receptor, making them an effective topical analgesic. In addition to its local cooling and pain-relieving properties, menthol can speed up the healing by dilating blood vessels. This increases blood flow to the affected area, which is an important factor in alleviating muscle and joint soreness. Cavalor® CoolSens is pH neutral and won't irritate the skin. Thanks to the addition of Tea Tree, the product is also ideal for treating minor abrasions.
not rated £21.00£58.00 inc. VAT Select options
Cavalor SW-ITCH, 500ml
Cavalor SW-ITCH, 500ml
CAVALOR SwItch has been specially developed for horses that are sensitive to seasonally recurring skin irritations, also known as summer eczema. Summer eczema is the result of an allergic reaction to the saliva of a mosquito, which is primarily active around sunrise and sunset during the warmer months (from March until October). This reaction causes an itch that does not stop and results in chafing. Not all horses are allergic to this mosquito³, which is why reactions vary from horse to horse. Breeds such as Icelanders, Shire, Welsh ponies and Frisians appear to be more sensitive to the allergy, and some bloodlines also show a higher susceptibility than others, which is to say that an allergic reaction is genetically determined. Feed adjustments can also influence the reactions. Limiting the amount of protein and increasing the administration of Omega 3 fatty acids have a positive influence. For this we highly recommend Wholegain. A miracle injection against this allergy does not exist, so preventing contact with this mosquito is the message. Cavalor SwItch keeps this evildoer at a distance, and you can keep the itch under control, so that your horse will not be plagued by an incessant itch.
not rated £35.00 inc. VAT Add to basket