Why Fleece Rugs are so great.

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Fleece rugs are very handy rugs, they have multiple purposes. Not only can they be used as a light stable rug, they are ideal for travelling to shows in.

Fleeces can also be used as show rugs, or even a pre-show rug to try an aid in keeping those ponies clean before the show. They can also be worn just like a cooler rug, ideal for after unsaddling.

Pink, Sky Blue, Orange and Lime
Purple, Hot Coral, Crispy Apple and Red

Fleeces are generally designed to be stylish, yes, they have their multiple purposes but we all like a rug that we like the look of.

Even better when they come in several colours and match every other item in your horse’s wardrobe.

Others have gorgeous bindings and decoration on the rear.

Beautiful Decoration to the rear of these gorgeous rugs as well as silver piping. Royal Blue, Grey, Black and Navy.

However, many functions doesn’t mean a high price. And a bargain certainly does not mean lack of quality. They can feature a lining on the chest and shoulders to prevent rubbing as well as soft fleece on the wither area. 







Sizes aren’t limited to the majority either, you can find fleeces from 3’0 to over 7’0. So, they are suitable for all sizes, from Shetland to Shire and everything in between.


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